The RT/E platform
Dedicated tools for Real-Time & Embedded systems software engineering
The OpenEmbeDD project intends to produce, collect and package open source MDE software for Real Time & Embedded (RT&E) systems.
As RT&E MDE design is first model driven engineering, the OpenEmbeDD platform is based on
MDE generic tools which RT&E processes are built upon.
OpenEmbeDD as RT/E engineering platform
Industrial and science partners
- Large industrial companies: Airbus, Thales DAE, Thales R&D, France Telecom
- Medium sized software companies: CS SI, Anyware Technologies
- Well-known research agencies: CNRS, CEA, INRIA
- MDE & RT/E labs: Aoste, Atlas, DaRT, Espresso, LAAS, List, Triskell, VASY, Verimag
A MDE tools' chain for RT/E engineering
- RT/E dedicated metamodels (MMs)
- Modelers for RT/E: AADL, Marte, SysML, SDL
- Synchronous RT: Polychrony tools, SynDEx modeler
- Asynchronous RT: Fiacre pooling metamodel,...
- Bridges to external tools: CADP, IF, Tina
Full conformance with industrial standards
- Early support of standards like UML 2.1 or Marte
- Complete UML diagrams: class, state machine, use case,...
- Not only UML modeler: AADL, SysML,...
- OMG MOF with static & dynamic semantics added by Kermeta
- Frequent intermediate versions for up-to-date tools & modelers
YOUR platform for Real-Time & Embedded engineering
- Create your models with our modelers or import them
- Transform them into other RT/E models
- Extract parts to be validated in RT/E tools
- Generate corresponding source code
- Use the results into your embedded systems
REM: have a look on our partners' industrial use cases