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RT/E abilities

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A presentation which give you an idea of what you can do with the OpenEmbeDD platform

YOUR platform for Real-Time & Embedded engineering

Create your models with our modelers or import them

You can use Topcased modelers on existing UML or AADL models and generate corresponding diagrams with automated build or hand drag'n drop.

For example, create an AADL project. You get some thing like this:


Then you can paste your AADL source files in the aadl folder. The project automatically generates the corresponding aaxl model:


From this automated aaxl model, you can easily get the corresponding diagram. Create a new diagram on the aaxl file:


Check the mention "Initialize the diagram with existing model objects" in the next dialog:

Then you get directly the corresponding diagram:


Transform your design models into RT/E models

The ATL transformation language gives you the ability to write any kind of translation between the metamodels you use for analysis & design and the metamodels used by OpenEmbeDD RT/E tools:


Main transformations are available (or will be soon) in the OpenEmbeDD platform:

  • UML Marte <-> SynDEx
  • Polychrony -> Fiacre pivot RT metamodel
  • AADL -> Fiacre
  • SDL -> Fiacre
  • Fiacre -> LOTOS (CADP)
  • Fiacre -> Tina

Extract parts to be validated in RT tools

Bridges to verification tools like Persiform, IF, BIP, Tina, CADP are under development so you could use them to formally check properties of your models.

Generate corresponding source code

OpenEMbeDD MDE tools can be used to write pretty printers which generate source code from instances of any metamodel.

The platform also offers a C code generator from UML action language.

The Polychrony toolbox embeds code generators for C, C++, Java, SIG languages.

Use the results into your embedded systems

After generation of source code, use the tools dedicated to each of your targetted platforms to get binary code and transfer it on the devices.

If there is remaining faults, do not forget to reinforce your RT/E tools' chain by adding transformations and/or simulations and/or computations on your models in order to detect those faults earlier in the process. FEEDBACK is the key concept in Model Driven Engineering: detect once, correct once for all.

REM: have a look on our partners' industrial use cases

UseCase One: from modeling to implementation of a car ESP system.