MDE standards
UML 2.1 full set
The Topcased UML2 graphical editor supplies all the diagrams for the Eclipse UML 2.1 metamodel:
- Activity diagram
- Class diagram
- Component diagram
- Composite structures diagram
- Deployment diagram
- Sequence diagram
- State machine diagram
- Use case diagram
All these diagrams can be included in the same model and you may browse them graphically (like accessing the state machine of a class operation).
Marte UML profile for Real Time systems
Marte is a deep and exhaustive UML™ profile for Modeling and Analysis of Real Time and Embedded systems which embedds all concepts underlying Real Time systems, for industrial modelling. The OpenEmbeDD Marte plug-ins offer the metamodel plus a extension of Topcased UML modeler in order to apply such profile to your models.
The Papyrus Static UML modeler offers natural way to apply the Marte profile.
AADL architecture language
AADL is the Architecture Analysis & Design Language, first design for avionics modeling purposes. It describes components on one side and their implementation on another side.
SysML profile
SysML is the OMG SYStems Modeling Language, a language to design complex systems. It includes hardware, software, personnel, in structures, requirements,...