OpenEmbeDD source
The OpenEmbeDD tools are delivered by many teams and are collected into the OpenEmbeDD platform for a more practical use.
You can obtain the corresponding source by three different ways: source plug-ins (for main components only), OpenEmbeDD source repository, forge of the tool.
Eclipse source plug-ins
Some of the OpenEmbeDD plug-ins embedd their sources in a ".source" postfixed plug-in.
Such source plug-ins are very useful for people developing software relied upon those plug-ins because Eclipse environment gives them an short-cut access to the code of each class they use in their own code (ask an Eclipse gourou about the short-cuts).
As these source plug-ins are choices of each team under their responsability, ask them for any question about this.
OpenEmbeDD sources repository
As an open source software, OpenEmbeDD must deliver the sources of any stuff offered by the project.
For practical reasons, despite existence of Eclipse source plug-ins, the complete sources are offered in an easy-to-use zipped form.
Current version sources
The official OpenEmbeDD current version sources can be found in the "src" directory of the update site, which means you can browse the source files repository at this address:
Older versions sources
The decision of open-sourcing OpenEmbeDD software lie on the necessity for users to be able to use their data, models and transformations years after they create them, despite the changes inside the OpenEmbeDD project later.
So, for each OpenEmbeDD official release, the corresponding source files have been transfered in the "src" sub-directory of the release update directory. For example, an old 0.5 release sources would be stored in
How to install those sources
You can load the source of any OpenEmbeDD plug-in into Eclipse environment by using its "Import" feature:
In the "File" menu, launch the "Import..." wizard:
Do not choice the "Archive File" but "Existing Projects into Workspace":
Then browse your system space to the place you downloaded the zipped source file:
And select it:
The import wizard will extract projects from the file:
Select the projects you want to be installed into the Eclipse workspace:
The Eclipse environment then install them:
Tools Forges
Each tool project can store source code in its own Forge, in order to manage collaboration between the developers.
You may have a look on incoming versions of the OpenEmbeDD tools through their CVS repository, and propose new features or corrections on their mailing-lists.
See each project Web site for the existence and location of their forge. Some tools projects are hosted on the OpenEmbeDD Forge.
Rem: the CVS repositories do not give easily access to the source code of a full release as it is for a zipped file, because user needs to know the precise version number of each sub project corresponding to the official binaries release.
Main Forges of the OpenEmbeDD teams:
- Topcased SDK (Airbus):
- Kermeta (Triskell):
- ATL (Atlas):
- to be continued ....