JOB: Linux + Eclipse programmer with MDE experience
I am looking for a full-time collaborator (to be employed as employee of
the K.U.Leuven university) as Eclipse (on Linux) programmer for a
large-scale European research project in robotics.
The candidate will support all project members (about 25 people) with the
integration of all the open source software produced in the
project into an Eclipse-based programming environment. In addition, the
candidate is expected to (learn to) master the state of the art techniques
and software for model-driven engineering. The creation and regular
updating of a LiveCD with all project software is also part of the job. The
candidate will have the opportunity (and obligation!) to work closely
together with many open source projects in robotics in Europe and
worldwide, and to travel regularly to the project partners in the
Netherlands, Germany and Italy.
The candidate preferably has some experience with hardware (interfacing,
control, devive drivers,...) and with model-driven engineering in the
Eclipse ecosystem (e.g.,, AADL,,...).
The employer has a very good reputation as extremely open-source friendly
research lab, and its <> project has received worlwide
recognition as a major software package for advanced robot control.