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What is OpenEmbeDD?

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A short presentation of the nature and goals of the OpenEmbeDD platform.

OpenEmbeDD is an Eclipse-based  "Model Driven Engineering" platform dedicated to Embedded and Real-Time systems (E/RT).

Its aim is to offer engineers who design and develop E/RT software the means to express, simulate, validate and test the targeted system before any component has solded on a circuit board.

The OpenEmbeDD platform offers tools structured in four levels from the Eclipse base to industry use cases:


The level 0 (blue parts)

It is the technical workbench the other levels rely upon. It is Eclipse SDK plus modeling and graphical libraries like EMF, GEF, GMF.

The level 1 (green parts)

It is composed of three generic modeling tools: the Topcased generator which can be used to produced graphical model editor for any meta-model, the Kermeta language and IDE which could add behaviour to models and build simulators, and the ATL transformation language which give you ability to write and run model2model transformations.

An Ecore graphical editor helps you writing your own metamodels. After this first step, you can code a simulator and/or transformations of models from a metamodel to other one. Those tools are not E/RT centric and can be deeply used by everybody doing "Model Driven Engineering" (the UML editors from level 2 are also useful to MDE people).

You can have a look on the OpenEmbeDD basic demo which presents those generic MDE tools:

Demo icon

The level 2 (orange parts)

It is the embedded and real-time tools part of the OpenEmbeDD platform. We distinguish tools relying to standard metamodels and those based on specific and/or academic metamodels:

  • Normalized standards:
    • UML2 complete diagrams graphical editors plus UML profiles management
    • Dedicated full support of MARTE Real-Time UML profile within UML2 diagram editors
    • SAM & AADL graphical editors from Topcased project
  • More specialized and deeper tools:
    • Polychrony: an environment for synchronous real-time systems specification, formal verification and programing with the Signal language. [COMING SOON] A compiler can generate low level code (C) for hardware platforms.
    • SynDEx: [COMING SOON] a synchronous system level CAD software based on the "algorithm- architecture adequation" (AAA) methodology, for rapid prototyping and optimizing the implementation of distributed real-time embedded applications onto "multicomponent" architectures.
    • CADP: [COMING SOON] an asynchronous verification toolbox.
    • TINA: [COMING SOON] a time petri net analyser (asynchronous verification tool).
    • [COMING SOON] many import/export and transformations between those tools & metamodels.

[COMING SOON] An OpenEmbeDD E/RT demo presents the main features of Embedd & Real-Time platform tools.

The level 3 (yellow parts)

It collects use cases from application domains like aerospace & car industries or telecom operators. Those use cases embedd confidential data so they are not available for public access.