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What kind of trouble you may encounter installing OpenEmbeDD on specific platforms, and how you can solve them.

Getting information and help

Having problem with installation

    The "eclipse_Linux-x86" executable does not launch Eclipse on my Linux

Having problem using OpenEmbeDD tools?

    Topcased : diagrams fail to open when creating and editing them

How to use the right version of Java runtime?

    Linux : the default Java is GCJ or an old version

Getting information and help

The Documentation page on the OpenEmbeDD web site give you many informations about installing OpenEmbeDD and recovering old versions.
You can get additionnal information and solutions about problems you have to deal with in the archive of the "openembedd-using" mailing-list on OpenEmbeDD forge.

Having problem with installation?

The "eclipse_Linux-x86" executable does not launch Eclipse on my Linux

If you are installing OpenEmbeDD using the full plateform file, after you unzip the file you must change the properties of the "eclipse_Linux-x86" file (by right-click on it and switch to the "Properties" tab) in order to add the execution right (for the owner) on it.
This issue cannot be overlapped because the ZIP format losses the Unix attributes and rights so you must restore the execution right(s).

Having problem using OpenEmbeDD tools?

Topcased : diagrams fail to open when creating and editing them

The problem may occur if you do not have the good version of Java runtime. See below the "How to use the right version of Java runtime?" section to verify and solve this problem.

How to use the right version of Java runtime?

Linux : the default Java is GCJ or an old version

You can verify the default Java runtime by the console command "java --version". You should get "java version 1.5.xx" and the provider of the runtime should be Sun or IBM. Rem: OpenEmbeDD may run on 1.6 & 1.7 java but they have not been yet tested.
If it is not the case, you must download and install a correct runtime.

To have the new runtime used as Java platform by the OpenEmbeDD Eclipse, you may have to change the PATH before the launch of Eclipse. For doing that, we present a example of script you can adapt to your configuration (we suppose the JDK and OpenEmbeDD platform have been unzipped in the "/local" directory):


# giving the Java 5 sdk location
setenv JDK_HOME /local/jdk1.5.0_06
echo $PATH | grep "$JDK_HOME/bin" >&/dev/null
if ( $status != 0 ) then
set path=($JDK_HOME/bin $path)


# lauching Eclipse
/local/OpenEmbeDD_platform-0.1.0/eclipse_Linux-x86 &