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OpenEmbeDD source code

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Source code of OpenEmbeDD

OpenEmbeDD is an open source platform dedicated to develop Real Time & Embedded systems. It is constructed from the classic Eclipse platform and almost all the tools that are integrated inside are developed from models (MDE: model driven engineering). MDE is a software architecture based on the models, it allows the development of graphical components and of components of checking which are closely binded to each business models tools (eg SysML, UML Marte, parsers, RT / E metamodels, ...). All these tools are based on a core generic meta-development composed by the frameworks Topcased, Kermeta and ATL, which are themselves extensions of the famous modeling frameworks EMF and GMF in Eclipse. All these MDE technologies (Java code, C/C++ code, metamodels, patterns, components technology and so on ...) become open source, that is why we need to dedicate a very important heading for the sources.

Here you can get OpenEmbeDD sources for each release from the beginning of project by several ways. First way is to get source included into zip OpenEmbeDD download which are packaged like archive project and the second way is to get source by using the Update Site of OpenEmbeDD. These last sources into jars are mainly used by developers to take advantage of browsing and debugging code (java at the moment and other languages later).

Here you can also get specific integration projects by using the CVS repository from the forge's OpenEmbeDD.

Archived Eclipse projects

Update Manager

CVS + Eclipse (integration projects)